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If You no how to work with HTML you can insert these banners into your site. If you don't know what html is and do not know how to use it, see bottom of page.

\/ That is what it looks Like \/


\/ Here is the Html You can copy + Paste into the <body> of your site \/

Here is another Smaller Banner.

\/ That is what it looks Like \/


\/ Here is the Html You can copy + Paste into the body of your site \/


If you do not know how to use Html you can Insert these links into the links section of your Home Page Builder, If you have any Questions Email Me.

Link to Me:

Step 1: Put this Where the Address Goes:

Step 2: Put this Where the Title Goes:

Step 3: (OPTIONAL) Put This Where Discription Goes:


Thanks a lot!!! :->

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